The Situation

The Rosewood London (formerly Chancery Court) is a luxury 5-star hotel situated in the Holborn neighborhood of London’s West End. It occupies a 1914 Époque building designed by H. Percy Monckton and was originally the headquarters of the Pearl Assurance Company from 1914 to 1989. The principal facades, as well as the interiors of the former East and West Banking Halls (now Scarfes Bar and Holborn Dining Room respectively) as well as the Grand Staircase have protected listed building status.

The rich history of the building made for a very special remodel project. The stone procured for the project needed to match what the existing material. Some of the stone was were readily available, but others were not due to the age of the property.
The Consequence
The transition from old to new needed to be seamless. We wanted to to avoid mismatched material and deliver the project on time.
Our Solution
Our Italian inspector, Stefano Volpe, was able to locate the original quarry for the Calcutta White marble originally used. He discovered that some of the antique marble was no longer being quarried, and was only available in small blocks. The supply of these was limited. This necessitated laminating the marble onto a backing stone in order to meet project requirements.
The History

The Rosewood London is a historic property that required renovation in order to be useful. Tony Chi was given the design job of updating the property and still retain the historic charm of the property.
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